Inspired in part by the medicine path of shamans and healers and by the narrative curve of stories and myths across time, our Arcs are built on and named for that moment where everything changes. When the traveler reaches the shore. When the key fits inside the lock. When the sun comes out from behind a cloud, and we begin to see. And feel. And hear. And heal.
Arcs are our most sincere, unique, and exclusive offering. A full and expanding library of these potent and directly engaging compositional heart song/breathwork integrations—complete with instructional recordings and grounding meditations for self-guided travel—is available with an Infinite Crescendo membership, or via à la carte-style limited rental.
While fully modern in their design and implementation, Infinite Crescendo Arcs have their roots in the Amazon rainforest and beyond. Along with original music, traditional Western hymns, channeled incantations, and more, you will sometimes encounter ancient prayers and songs directly from healers and wisdom holders who have chosen to share their lineage with our community. The words, tones, chants, and melodies are offered by tribal and communal members who have the sovereign right to do so—and we take their gifts very seriously. You can read more about Infinite Crescendo’s reciprocity, exchange, and concrete resource- and fund-shifting in our COMMUNITY EQUITY pages; below you can learn who these generous healers are, and explore the origins of their prayers. We’ll be adding to this page as more Arcs are offered, and as we do so we’ll always provide links so that you may consider directly supporting the preservation of their lineages as well.
Malidoma Patrice Somé
Malidoma Somé was the youngest initiated elder of the Dagara tribe in Burkina Faso.
Malidoma wrote that each person is born with a destiny, and he or she is given a name that reflects that destiny. His name means "friend of the enemy” or “friend of the stranger;” he believed it was his destiny to be a bridge by working with Western audiences to promote understanding and connection.
“It is possible that we have been brought together at this time because we have profound truths to teach each other. Toward that end, I offer the wisdom of the African ancestors so that Westerners might find the deep healing they seek.
“The spark of this ancestral flame, which I have brought to the land of the stranger, is now burning brightly. Increasingly, I have been and will be encouraging westerners to embody these traditions as a testimony to the indigenous capacity to assert itself with dignity in the face of modernity. In this way the ancestors will know that this medicine has found a true home- that it is more than an honored guest.
“At this critical time in history, the earth’s people are awakening to a deep need for global healing. African wisdom, so long held secret, is being called on to provide tools to enable us to move into a more peaceful and empowered way of being, both within ourselves, and within our communities. The indigenous spirit in each of us is calling for cleansing and reconciliation. The ancestors are responding”.
Rosa Giove
Rosa Giove was the co-founder of Peru’s Takiwasi Center, a therapeutic community whose name translates to “singing house.” Founded in 1992, this physical, mental, and spiritual healing center is located in a region known for being particularly rich in ancestral knowledge of sacred plants.
Rosa authored some of her community’s most famous and powerful heart-opening songs, or ikaro, as well as key publications that led to the declaration of the Ayahuasca as Cultural Heritage of the Peruvian Nation. She has served as President of the Nimairama Institute of Transcultural Health and Traditional Amazonian Medicines of Lima. She defended the importance and urgency of preserving and integrating traditional medicine into the formal health system with a focus on intercultural respect.
Ábrete corazón (Arc II)
Ábrete corazón, ábrete sentimiento, ábrete entendimiento
deja a un lado la razón y deja brillar el sol,
escondido en tu interior.
Ábrete memoria antigua, escondida en la tierra, en las plantas, en el aire.
recuerda lo que aprendiste bajo agua, bajo fuego.
hace ya mucho tiempo.
Es hora ya, ya es ahora, abre la mente y recuerda cómo el espíritu cura.
cómo el amor sana... cómo el árbol florece.
y la vida perdura.
Cómo abriéndote al mundo, al darte, tu ser crece.
Ábrete corazón, ábrete sentimiento, ábrete entendimiento,
deja a un lado la razón y deja brillar el sol,
escondido en tu interior.
Acércate ya, aprende ya, actúa ya abre tus alas, asciende al sol míralo de frente y recíbelo en tu alma,
respira profundo, ábrete a él
No pienses más, no la razón
sólo siente
sólo vive
ábrete, recuerda, respira
Ábrete corazón, ábrete sentimiento ábrete entendimiento
deja a un lado la razón y deja brillar el sol,
escondido en tu interior.
The Ucayali Botanical Garden
Established 2010
Located just outside of Pucallpa, Peru on 12.5 acres of deforested land, the Ucalyali Botanical Garden is dedicated to preservation, reproduction, study, and appreciation of medicinal plants of the Amazonia. Currently the garden counts more than 9,000 plants of 100 different varieties.
Although we cannot name the individual responsible for the prayer connected to this beautiful and vital land, we can share that its deeply powerful message involves calling on the water spirits to bring their healing energies. The Ucalyali Botanical Garden is directly connected to Carly and Paul’s trajectory as journey designers and founders of Infinite Crescendo, and therefore deeply related to their mission of preserving and nurturing medicinal plants and healing lineages.
Supay Runa (Arc II)
Ábrete corazón, ábrete sentimiento, ábrete entendimiento
deja a un lado la razón y deja brillar el sol,
escondido en tu interior.
Ábrete memoria antigua, escondida en la tierra, en las plantas, en el aire.
recuerda lo que aprendiste bajo agua, bajo fuego.
hace ya mucho tiempo.
Es hora ya, ya es ahora, abre la mente y recuerda cómo el espíritu cura.
cómo el amor sana... cómo el árbol florece.
y la vida perdura.
Cómo abriéndote al mundo, al darte, tu ser crece.
Ábrete corazón, ábrete sentimiento, ábrete entendimiento,
deja a un lado la razón y deja brillar el sol,
escondido en tu interior.
Acércate ya, aprende ya, actúa ya abre tus alas, asciende al sol míralo de frente y recíbelo en tu alma,
— Meghan
— Nick
— Jaime
— James
— Alex
“I was reminded that I am held and protected and at the same time was shown the beauty of life and death. I felt so much deep wanting to live to help. To practice and be and learn and give. But also allowance and peace and trust of the process and my life story. I had a lot of stuck energy like I wasn’t doing enough or others are doing more or even jealousy which is not a common feeling for me. So it felt good to let that shit go…Such deep respect and love!”
— Jessica